How to enlarge the penis with baking soda?

If you are interested in penis enlargement methods, you are probably not satisfied with the size of your genitals. Radical methods are not always appropriate, so we suggest thinking alternatively. One of the available methods will tell you how to enlarge your penis at home with soda.

First, let's make sure that baking soda can be effective and that its use will actually increase penis size. Next, you can look at alternative medicine prescriptions and the real opinions of men who try the method with their own example. Remember about precautions, try other methods below.

enlarged female and male penises with soda

Is it true that soda increases penis size?

First of all, most men have a logical question, is it really possible to enlarge the penis with the help of baking soda? Experience shows that, no matter how amazing, it is possible. To understand how such a tool works, let's look at the composition. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, which dilutes the blood.

Soda has the following properties:

  • local skin irritation that accelerates blood flow;
  • prevention of blood clotting;
  • increased blood circulation improves erection;
  • skin irritation prevents diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • rapid erection, increased sensitivity of the penis;
  • destruction of pathogenic flora, bacteria, microbes, fungi.

The onset of an erection, which causes the penis to grow, is directly related to the circulatory system and the blood circulation in the pelvic region. The more the blood fills the cavernous bodies of the penis, the larger it will be. Constant stretching will increase the elasticity of body tissues, and thinning of blood will facilitate its circulation.

How to enlarge your penis with soda at home

Prepare for events before resorting to baking soda recipes. What do you need for this:

  • get soda without any dirt;
  • test the skin for an allergic reaction (soak the skin in the bend of the elbow, apply a little baking soda, check the condition of the skin for an hour);
  • steam the skin of the penis with a hot bath, shower, compress;
  • Prepare any means for massage (creams, wipes).

If you listen to traditional medicine recipes, there are at most 3 methods used:

  1. With butter.Apply a little olive oil on the clean skin of the penis (you can use any other vegetable oil), then sprinkle with baking soda and do a rubbing massage. Follow these steps for a few minutes, then rinse the remaining oil with lukewarm water. Apply a moisturizer to prevent irritation.
  2. With honey. . . Mix honey and soda in equal proportions, then apply to the steamed skin of the penis. Massage everything, leave for a few minutes, rinse the remaining mixture with warm water. This recipe not only increases erection, but also increases the sensitivity of the penis.
  3. Hamam.Put 1 tablespoon of powder on a liter of warm water, after dissolving the penis in water for 15 minutes. Rinse the rest of the composition under running water, moisturize the skin with a special cream.
  4. Vacuum pump.First apply the powder to the penis, rub a little, then use the back pressure device according to the instructions. The combined technique will improve the movement of blood through the arteries, and this will have a clear effect.
  5. Apply a compress. . . Dissolve a large spoonful of powder in a glass of warm water. Dip one foot into warm paraffin, pausing between layers to allow them to dry. After that, repeat the procedure several times and wrap it around the penis for a few minutes.


Do this regularly to make sure your baking soda is really growing in your bones, but very carefully. Listen to the following precautions:

  • there is a sense of proportion, do not overdo it with doses and duration of the procedure, otherwise you can cause irritation and even burning;
  • test any component and existing products for an allergic reaction before applying to the skin of the phallus;
  • Do not use such a product if there are scratches, irritation, traces of the inflammatory process, even small abrasions on the skin;
  • do not massage the penis too tightly, mucous membranes, avoid contact with the head;
  • if the penis is deformed and other congenital defects, refuse the technique;
  • read the theoretical part of the question first and then start the practice, read the videos, other men's opinions, doctors' opinions.

Soda can cause some side effects. These are allergic reactions, redness and swelling of the skin, painful sensations and burns, erectile dysfunction, power disorders.

How to enlarge the penis without soda

The penis and how it works depends on many factors, so you should not be limited to one way to increase the size at home. Good results and positive feedback from doctors suggest the following methods:

  1. Exercises- jelqing, Kegel exercises, tissue stretching gymnastics. The technique should be applied within 3-6 months to achieve visible results.
  2. Using oils, gels and sprays- Such products are applied topically to the skin of the penis to improve blood circulation, increase the elasticity of the sponge, stimulate erection and potency. Some contain hormones, synthetic components, plant and animal extracts, pathogens.
  3. Vacuum, water and hydraulic pumps for the phallus- devices with a simple principle of operation. By putting pressure on the penis, the cavernous bodies fill with more blood and reach a maximum erection. Regular use increases the elasticity of the body, improves blood circulation.
  4. Surgical methods- Make a quick and clear impact, but involve major health risks. Plastic surgery permanently changes the shape and size of the phallus, but it is painful and requires long-term rehabilitation. Today apply the classic phalloprosthetics, augmentation with hyaluronic acid, ligamentotomy.
  5. Folk recipes- The best results are obtained with soda, honey, ginger, ginseng, garlic, thyme, etc. Shown with products like. Apply internally topical application of decoctions, tinctures, liquid, creamy mixtures.
  6. Massage- The best and most affordable equipment that does not require costs. It is advisable to perform the procedures in conjunction with other techniques and methods. A man can use baking soda and do massage exercises at the same time.
  7. Suspension of cargo- The technique came to us from the peoples of Africa, it is effective, but painful and traumatic. It is important to follow all instructions to avoid harm to your health.
  8. Drugs- The principle of operation of such funds is also aimed at improving blood circulation in the groin. Chinese tablets, natural dietary supplements, vitamins and erection stimulants are often used.
  9. Extenders- a device for the gradual lengthening of penile tissues. It is also a traumatic but effective technique. A spring, belt, vacuum, combined expander type is used.
  10. Diet- Proper nutrition can affect the genitals. Experts recommend adding seafood, tonics, zinc, protein, and everything else to your diet to improve hormonal levels.

Useful Potential Tips

To prevent any problems with sexual function, follow a few rules to protect your potential:

  • not to gain weight - because obesity has a very negative effect on blood vessels, blood circulation, hormonal background;
  • give up bad habits - smoking narrows blood vessels, interferes with the normal blood filling of the penis, alcohol disrupts the nerve endings, has a negative effect on the potential;
  • balance your diet - pay attention to foods that contain protein, zinc, vitamins A, E, C and B;
  • control blood pressure, blood - prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries;
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes a day - it will improve blood circulation, prevent stagnation and increase immunity;
  • follow a work and rest regime - do not work hard, sleep at least 8-10 hours a day;
  • lead a regular sex life - not only to deplete the body, but also to prevent abstinence, which leads to stagnant processes.

Monitor your psycho-emotional state, because you can disrupt the functioning of the genitals with stress, depression, overwork, fear and self-doubt.